Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Character Page: Croc

Name: Croc

Voiced by: Seb

Relationships: Everyone finds him annoying, but he is friends with Woolfy, Punch and Granny

Appearances: Croc has appeared in all 7 episodes of series 1 and the christmas specials. However, his first few appearances were small, and his full character was not really revealed until episode 4, Suicidal Industry.

Funniest Saying: 'Suicide'

Best Episode: 5

Reason: Because he has several very funny lines in it

Best Scene: Croc at his bombing stall, in ep 5

Other good lines: 'Do you mean Suicide?' 'Shut it Tumbleweed!' 'Aww shame you didn't kill us all, which means you don't get to win the prize of suicidilist of the year' 'You wanna commit suicide, well good for you, suicide is great fun, I always suicide, but I do it for no reason!' 'It's black and White!'

Personality: Croc, although he is always suicidling, is actually quite a nice person. He is, of course absolutely mad, as he thinks commiting suicide is right. Although, his parts begin small, with him just saying Suicide, his parts get bigger and bigger as the first series progresses.

Story: Very little is known about Croc's past except that he used to have mad hair. Croc joined Suicidal Industry, and he may have gone to a suicidal academy too. Croc walked Judy up the aisle and ten years later Croc spent his time annoying the residents of the village, including Red, whose music video he interupts. When somebody murders Judy, Croc realises it is a suicidlist who lives nearby, and he goes to look for him at a nearby bar. Croc meets Mousy, the head of Suicidal Industry, and then helps stop the murdering Dinosaur thing.

At the Village Fete Croc has a bombing stall, and he later steals a wig off Woody's stall. Croc is told by Granny about how she and Punch are married, and how Judy and Punch lost their memories and became younger. Croc keeps the secret until Granny and Jud are killed when they are infected by the Disease of Med-Rare, then Croc tells Punch. Croc later persuades Punch to stay in the village, and celebrates Christmas with his friends. Next Christmas, Croc meets Crocella and they fall in love, but it does not work out when he finds out that Count Crocodile, an evil crocodile who wants to build a nuclear power station on the village green, is Crocella's brother.

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